Schedules will be made available on the parish website, in the sacristy, and via text message/e-mail.
Any and all requests can be made to Martha C. Aguirre @ 361-549-4478 or via e-mail-
We ask that requests and all correspondence be done in a timely manner AND that a server finds a substitute if they cannot make the scheduled Mass.
Altar Servers may rotate during the months for specific Masses such as the Sat. 5:30 pm and Sun. 8 am. If you have not signed up for a particular mass time please contact Martha to do so, if not you will be considered available for all Mass times.
We thank our youth who take the time to serve our Lord, and the parents for supporting their child to serve God and for their commitment to bringing them to and from all Masses, meetings, training, and events.
God Bless all Our CTK Altar Servers and their Families!