Since July 2013 SOLT have served at Christ The King.
What is the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT)?
SOLT is a community of disciples of Jesus through Mary composed of all vocations: priests, deacons, brothers, sisters and single or married laity. SOLT was founded in 1958 and has been approved by Rome as a Society of Apostolic Life of Diocesan Right.
What areas does SOLT serve?
SOLT has missions in thirteen countries including England, the Philippines, Thailand, China, Belize, Guatemala, Haiti and Mexico. There are several missions in the United States, including a mission for Native Americans in North Dakota, work with migrant farm workers in the Midwest, and inner city parishes in Detroit, Corpus Christi and Phoenix. Our Lady of Corpus Christi is a retreat and formation center located at 1200 Lantana St. Corpus Christi, Texas. Its beautiful adoration chapel has an eye catching blue dome visible from the highway. The apostolic works of SOLT vary depending upon the needs and requests of the local bishop. Various SOLT ministries include drug rehabilitation, parish work, education at all levels, work with the destitute, health care, radio evangelization and an orphanage.
Trinitarian: We exist to give honor and glory to the Most Holy Trinity, to exalt His majesty, and to manifest His greatness.
Marian: We strive to imitate our Blessed Mother Mary in her relationships with the persons of the Trinity, as beloved daughter of the Father, Mother of the Son, and spouse of the Holy Spirit.
Catholic: As loyal and loving members of Christ and His Vicar on earth, the Pope, we are faithful to the Magisterium and devoted to the Holy Eucharist.
Missionary: We serve in areas of deepest apostolic need, as defined by the local bishops where we serve.
Family: We are a family composed of priests, deacons, religious brothers and sisters, single laity and families serving together in the missions and bound together in our spirituality.
You can learn more about SOLT by visiting their website at